21 reasons why your nail polish bubbles and how you can prevent it from happening - Sanida Beauty

21 reasons why your nail polish bubbles and how you can prevent it from happening

Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever been in a rush to get out the door and just as you're about to seal the deal with that perfect coat of nail polish, BAM! Bubbles appear out of nowhere like a magic trick gone wrong. It's the ultimate nail polish party pooper, but why does it happen? Well, gather round and let's dive into the science (or lack thereof) behind the bubbling phenomenon.

  1. Air bubbles in the bottle: When nail polish is shaken or stirred, air bubbles can become trapped in the formula. These bubbles can then appear on the nails when the polish is applied.

  2. Applying the polish too thickly: When too much polish is applied to the nails, the formula can't dry quickly enough and bubbles can form.

  3. Improper storage: Nail polish can become thick or clumpy if it's stored in a warm or humid environment, or if the bottle isn't tightly sealed. This can cause bubbles to form when the polish is applied.

  4. Using a dirty or oily nail surface: Any oils or dirt on the nails can prevent the polish from adhering properly, causing bubbles to form.

  5. Using old or expired nail polish: Nail polish can become thick or clumpy over time, making it more prone to bubbling.

  6. Applying too many layers at once: Applying too many layers of polish at once can cause bubbles to form as the polish can't dry quickly enough.

  7. Cold or warm temperatures: When nail polish is applied in a cold environment, it can dry too quickly and cause bubbles to form, while in a warm environment can cause the polish to dry too slowly and also form bubbles.

  8. High humidity: High humidity can trap moisture and cause the polish to expand, leading to bubbles.

  9. Using a base coat that's not completely dry: If the base coat is not completely dry, applying the color polish over it can trap air bubbles and lead to bubbling.

  10. Not using a topcoat: A topcoat can help to smooth out any bubbles that may have formed during the application of the color polish.

  11. Using a brush that has not been cleaned properly: Old dried polish on the brush can cause bubbles to form on the nails.

  12. Using a brush that is too old: An old brush can lose its shape and cause bubbles to form on the nails.

  13. Applying polish in a cold or warm environment: Applying polish in a cold or warm environment can cause the polish to dry too quickly or too slowly, respectively, and lead to bubbles.

  14. Applying polish in an environment with high humidity: High humidity can trap moisture and cause the polish to expand, leading to bubbles.

  15. Applying polish on wet nails: Applying polish on wet nails can cause bubbles to form as the polish can't adhere properly.

  16. Applying polish on dirty nails: Applying polish on dirty nails can prevent the polish from adhering properly, causing bubbles to form.

  17. Applying polish with a brush that is too old: An old brush can lose its shape and cause bubbles to form on the nails.

  18. Using a brush that has dried polish on it: Old dried polish on the brush can cause bubbles to form on the nails.

  19. Not shaking the bottle before using: Not shaking the bottle before using can cause bubbles to form.

  20. Applying too many layers at once: Applying too many layers of polish at once can cause bubbles to form as the polish can't dry quickly enough.

  21. Not waiting for each layer to dry before applying the next one: Not waiting for each layer to dry before applying the next one can cause bubbles to form as the polish can't dry quickly enough.

Bubbles in nail polish can be caused by a variety of factors, such as shaking the bottle, applying polish over dirty nails, or even just the natural process of the polish drying. So next time you're staring at a bubbly mess on your nails, just remember, it's not you, it's the polish (and maybe a little bit of user error). The good news is that there are solutions to prevent them from happening. From shaking the bottle to the type of top coat you use, let's dive into the different ways you can ensure a bubble-free manicure.

  1. Avoid shaking the bottle: Shaking the bottle can create air bubbles in the polish, which will appear on your nails once applied. Instead, roll the bottle between your palms to mix the polish.

  2. Clean your nails: Make sure your nails are clean and dry before applying polish. Any dirt or oils on your nails can cause bubbles to form.

  3. Thin coats: Apply thin coats of polish, rather than thick ones. Thick coats take longer to dry, which can lead to bubbles forming.

  4. Use a base coat: Applying a base coat can help to smooth out any imperfections on your nails and create a smoother surface for the polish.

  5. Use a quick dry top coat: Applying a quick dry top coat can help to speed up the drying time of your polish and reduce the chance of bubbles forming.

  6. Keep your nails dry: Avoid applying polish on wet nails or in humid environments, as this can cause bubbles to form.

  7. Avoid using old nail polish: Old nail polish tends to thicken and can contain more air bubbles, so it's best to use fresh, new polish.

  8. Use a fan or dryer: Using a fan or nail dryer can help to speed up the drying process, which can prevent bubbles from forming.

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